The to doist
The to doist

However, this is the only alternative view that Todoist offers. Todoist helps you visualize your tasks by offering a Kanban board view that you can toggle to. Tasks can be color-coded based on priority and recurring tasks can also be automated to help you save time. When adding tasks, you can set due dates and assign them to folders without having to manually click them by using commands. If you want to take your organizational skills up a notch, you can create sections within your projects to organize your tasks in groups.

the to doist

You can create multiple projects to break down your tasks into different facets such as for work and for home. You use Todoist by creating tasks, which are then organized in projects or your Todoist inbox. Todoist is lightweight and only has features that are geared to help you make better to-do lists. Todoist is a simple task management software that allows you to stay on top of your day by organizing your work with the help of a to-do list. You can create sub-projects within projects and break up big tasks into smaller sub-tasks to help organize your work. In Todoist, you can create tasks which are then housed under projects, or in an inbox. The software is lightweight with simple features to make it intuitive and fast. The software has around 2 million users in 2014, and over 5 million users as of today. Since its launch in 2007, Todoist has seen steady growth. He mentioned in a blog post that he didn't want to have an exit strategy, and instead wanted to create a powerful product that can help people(1). Salihefendic has declined any sort of funding and acquisition in order to stay in control of the company.

the to doist

The main aim of developing Todoist was to help people stay on top of their tasks by organizing it via a simple task management system. Amir Salihefendic is the founder of Doist, and he developed Todoist in 2007. Todoist is a task management software that was developed by its parent company, Doist.

The to doist